Speed Bump Installation

New Asphalt Speedbumps are a great way to keep the community road ways safe. They are effective speed reducing mechanisms that ensure motorists are not speeding through your neighborhood. They can also be great for deterring cut-through drivers that only want to speed through your neighborhood to avoid traffic on other streets. By slowing them down, you keep the streets safe and give them no incentive to cut through your community.

New asphalt speedbumps can be installed quickly, and are immediately effective at slowing down traffic. This makes them a great solution for private communities, businesses and underground parking lots.

Metro Asphalt has installed a variety of speedbumps through the years and would be glad to assist you with your traffic control needs. Our services are not limited to asphalt speedbumps! We can provide a variety of asphalt services, please see our asphalt services page.

For personal asphalt assistance please call 778 231 6099